What are the 4 components of Android?

Android architecture is based on several key components that work together to create a cohesive platform for app development and operation. The four main components of an Android application are:

  1. Activities: An Activity represents a single screen with a user interface. It’s where users interact with the app, and each activity represents a different aspect of the app’s functionality. For example, an app could have one activity for the main screen, another for settings, and another for displaying details.
  2. Services: A Service is a component that runs in the background to perform long-running operations without a user interface. Services can play music, handle network transactions, or perform file I/O operations. They continue to run even if the user switches to another app.
  3. Broadcast Receivers: These components listen for and respond to system-wide broadcast announcements. For instance, they can respond to events such as the device booting up, incoming calls, or network connectivity changes. Broadcast receivers allow applications to react to these events without a user interface.
  4. Content Providers: Content Providers manage access to a structured set of data. They encapsulate the data and provide it to apps through a well-defined interface. Content providers are used for data that can be shared among different applications, such as contacts or media files.

These components are fundamental to Android development and play a crucial role in building responsive, interactive applications.

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