What is secret mode on iPhone?

Secret Mode on iPhone typically refers to “Private Browsing” mode available in the Safari web browser. When you enable Private Browsing, your iPhone won’t save your browsing history, search history, or any information entered in forms. The main features of Private Browsing include:

  1. No History Saved: Websites you visit, along with your search history, aren’t saved.
  2. No Cookies: Cookies are not stored after you close the Private Browsing session, which means you won’t be tracked by websites.
  3. Invisible to Other Users: When using Private Browsing, other users of your device won’t see the websites you’ve visited.

To enable Private Browsing in Safari on an iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Safari app.
  2. Tap on the tabs button (the overlapping squares icon).
  3. Tap on “Private” to enter Private Browsing mode, and then tap the “Done” button.

Remember, while this mode offers increased privacy on your device, it doesn’t provide complete anonymity online, as your internet service provider (ISP) or network administrators may still track your online activities.

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